Saturday, November 25, 2006


Its 4.20 in the morning, and I couldn't get some dreadfully needed shut eye. So, here I am... typing yet another set of meaningless words on this blog for everyone to read.

At least, this feels better than doing the actual work I've packed from office, as if I'm going to do it at home.

My work have deadlines. Deadlines cause anxiety. Anxiety leads to stress. Stress leads to insomnia. Imsomnia leads to many other bad things. I'm not sure whether horniness is one of them, but I'll put the blame on insomnia anyway, cause I'm quite horny right now.

Well, if you really want to know whether it was the insomnia, try google. I'm not sure what is the outcome, but I'm sure one of those many porn sites will somehow be in the search result. Of course, I never clicked in any of those links. (HAHAHA)

A word from our sponsor: Stay away from porn site. Press ALT + F4.

Mr Baldy desperately wanted to make a comeback. I'm not going to elaborate on that. He's on his own.

Sad thing about this weekend is, I'm not reunited with my beloved wife. She has some work to do over there, and I need to meet a few deadlines early next week, which causes me to go to office tomorrow (well, this morning actually, at about 11.00am or so). There is also the invitation from an officemate to his wedding reception on Sunday which stopped me from taking an express bus to Kuantan the soon I finished my work.

By the way, my health has been significantly detereorating in the past couple of weeks. First, the gout. Then, it was the abdominal pain (I could just type stomach ache, but it doesn't sound House-like, hehe) which I've been having on and off for the past few days. I haven't figured out the cause, yet.

Oh, wait! I forgot! I'm not a doctor.


I should have taken Tok Wan's advice when I was a kid: grow up and be either a doctor, a police inspector, or an army liutenant (typical, isn't he?). But back then, being a rebellious teenager at a boarding school, I choose engineering instead. Just to end up being none of the above.


Morale: Listen to your elders.

However, being an HR executive is not entirely that bad. You have some amount of influence as a uniformed personnel, with slightly lower pay than a doctor. By doctor, I meant those working in the government hospitals.

Engineers? Well, everyone is an engineer in one way or another. Ever read 'To Err is Engineer'?

I guess not.

I didn't read it either. I only skimmed through the book once, while doing an assignment on engineering failure.


I think I'm not going anywhere with this entry. So, might as well we stop here before I found myself with another symptom of stress-induced absurdity.

p/s: I'm a chronic House addict, aren't I? Erm, did I put the last question correctly? Grammatically, I mean...


Anonymous said...

Salam Dik,

Baca, ooh Akak tertekan jugak!

Bawa bertenang Dik, moga siang ini dah okey...

Ya, dengar cakap orang tua. Tapi kita sering dahulukan selera hati kan?

Mama Pongkey said...

Hey your English seems just fine to me, you House addict you. Just add an s at the end of 'site' and I think you've got it made.
Saw Grey's Anatomy just now. While I am more of a House fan (btw you do realise he is a Brit actor, do you?) Grey's Anatomy is kinda fun as gossipy-type-dramas go.

Mama Pongkey said...

Ooops caught a few more:

'my work has deadlines.'
'click on' not 'click in'.
'I'm not going to be reunited'

Sorry Yut. Went a bit overboard there with the Grammar Police thingy. It is always more fun to proofread other people's work than your own anyway. Sigh. If only reading my own stuff is half as fun.

Having said that, you have a natural flow with words. It was fun reading your entry.

Sayuti said...

mdm bunga rampai: salam. what is making u depressed, maam?

yes, i guess so. we will always follow our own heart.

mdm kkl: thank you for your time and compliment, maam. :)

no maam, you didn't went overboard. i need to be corrected. then only i'll learn not to repeat the same mistake.

yes maam. i know hugh laurie is a brit actor. do you know that he acted in stuart little as fred little - the nerdy dad? he also has a third class degree in anthropology and archeology from cambridge. his sidekick, jesse spencer (chase) is australian.

this is what happen when i'm addicted to something. i'll look everything up on the big web, including those useless stuff which other ppl wouldn't bother to look for.

i've not started with grey's anatomy yet, maam. planning to, though. probably after scrubs.

btw, just finished watching house season 3 episode 8.

Anonymous said...

weh mesia dh showing epi8 season 3 ke? ke ko nengok mana? hehe. i used to layan it in u-tube tp season 3 nih cam dh kena ban, tadak dh haha

Sir Mute Key Chicks said...

ko mengigau ker?

but then, poor Mr Baldy. I really wanted to help, but then I'm guy, and you're a guy too and we're not gay. Aren't we?? ARGHHH!!!!

edyan7 said...

your english is waayyyyyy much better than mine...not going to corect yours... seram sejuk kot mine nanti kena proofread hehhehe...

To err is engineer? well I did a lot agaknya!! hehhehe.. same here... tak mo dengar kata orang tua-tua...!hmmm...

Sayuti said...

ani: nope. axn is showing season 2. downloaded the episode using a p2p software which i cannot state here due to legal liability.

mr ant: nope. just trying to polish my english.

i don't think i am gay, sir. i don't know about you though.

mdm edyan: thank you maam. how's zikr? send my salam to him.

the book 'To Err is Engineer' is quite interesting, but some of the contents are a lil' bit outdated since the book was written in the 80's. yet, it is still valid to explain fatique failure, safety factor etc.

dueng said...

here's some house's trivia:
1) hugh laurie is a brit actor, he's once won academy award with emma thompson in ... (cannot remember the movie name - eventhough i can lookup in wikipedia).
2)chase (jesse spencer) actually dating cameron ( in real world.
3)did you know foreman and cameron had been starring together in a movie?
4) house have talent in music whereby in the series, he's showing it in few episode.

already watching house season 3 and this season promise much complicated cases than before. house relationship with james seems getting colder. poor james.

ops..just small spoiler. need to watch it to taste it. :P

Sayuti said...

dueng: you called dr wilson, james? haha. now, that's weird.

if you search further, you'll learn that house character is actually inspired by the character sherlock holmes. 'holmes' rhymes with 'home', and 'house' is actually a home.

and 'wilson', rhymes with 'watson' - sherlock's friend.

house plays piano (as per your trivia #4) whereby holmes plays violin.

house is addicted to vicodin, and holmes is addicted to something which i forgot... i think it was opium, but i'm too lazy to look it up now.

spoiler of house season 3: relationship between wilson and house becomes cold when officer tritter comes into the picture. why? you'll have to watch to find out (or try google house md - episode guide... hehe)

Sir Mute Key Chicks said... seems like since u can't polish mr.baldy, so that u're polishing ur language.I see.sorry for disturbing u.have fun then..hehe

Sayuti said...

mr ant: ouch. you got me there, sir.