Sunday, February 04, 2007


I'm sorry Effi but I don't think I'll write about how to write proper KPI this time. You can google it, but I'm not sure whether the methods you'll find would be the same with the one I've learned through the workshop. However, the underlying concept should be the same - its all about performance management.

View from balcony of my hotel room
I just came back from Cherating this afternoon after spending two nights at the Legend Resort. I used the complimentary stay coupon I got from signing up with their 30 years holiday package.

I've decided to take yesterday off, and took the 1.00 am bus to Kuantan on Wednesday (Thursday actually) with the intent of spending some time with my beloved wife. Eventually, Pahang does not celebrate Thaipussam nor Hari Wilayah, hence my wife still had to go to work the next day. Of course, I had her for the night. (Pun intended)

Nothing much to blog about my days in the resort. Pretty much lazying on the bed watching movies at Channel Four while my beloved wife was at work (No pun intended).

I watched the movie 'A Knight's Tale'. Of course, I've watched it before but it was still interesting. Apart from the funny and romantic and action scenes found all over the movie, I found the underlying message quite useful - be kind to others, be ambitious, be brave, be good to your parents and loved ones - the trait you'd found in a true leader. William (the main character) also outperforms, behaves as an owner, develop people and inspires follower (or at least thats what I think I saw in the movie).

For those who understand the above, stop reading immediately and kindly do your Leadership Behavior Feedback 360 degrees assessment before the deadline, please.

p/s: Congratulation to Koi and Eeja for their newly born hero - Afnan Nu'man. :)


sitilina said...

ha. baru kuar aznuar. hehehe.

Obefiend Weiland said...

hai saya effi..... KPI tu bapak aku buat seblum dia naik pangkat. tu je la aku tau. pasal aku hanya insan kanyaq. btw...

"you have been measured and found wanting"

bila aku ingat line dari movie ni buat aku ketawa kecil bagai gadis belasan tahun. sungguh kat euphamism nya. sama ada sengaja atau tak sengaja sukar nak dikatakan.

tapi kan

elok ke menjadi swindler semata mata nak jadi seorang kesatria? macam identity fraud aje

im just babling... layan blog AJ kejap

sitilina said...

swiper, jangan mencuri
swiper, jangan mencuri

Anonymous said...

bile dateline bende alah leadership bla bla bla tu.. ?
apo yg eden keno buek?

-donia donut-

Jannah said...

Suka that scene where Paul Bettany was naked by the side of the road. Not because of the bare bum, for the fact that he was confident enough with his being that he would act that scene.

Being tall, blond and beautiful pun membantu juga.

Sorry comment merepek sebab tak bleh nak relate to the KPI mumbo jumbo :)

Sya said...

Salam Sayuti.. sesekali kak sya menjengah adik seorang ini

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

aku nyer KPI bakal hantor kt HR opih x? kalu sampai opih ko tolong hilangkan yg aku nyer deh.. hehehe..

ps.. student nyer KPI = Result exam lah

Sayuti said...

alom: yo lah, yo lah.

eff: KPI tu, semua orang kena set awal2 tahun.

tentang persoalan yang ditimbulkan... entahlah.

alom?: swiper?

mekjoh: sila tanya HR OPU anda. lain2.

jannah: yo lah tu bukan sebab punggung dia. haha.


kak sya: saya pon sesekali menjengah blog kak sya. dah takde idea nak tulis komen sebenarnya. huhu.

wong: sampai kot... ke meja datin. takpon, ke meja SKG advisor.

tapi, bukan kat meja aku lah.

sitilina said...

hahahaha. saya saja nak memeriahkan suasana.