"politicians are a lot like diapers, they should be changed frequently, and for the same reason. keep that in mind the next time you vote"
Terus jadik katun:
p/s: Sesungguhnya anak aku sangat kiut seperti Si Kacak Papa beliau. Harap maklum.
Memo from
11:57 PM
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ala die dh besa.
nnt drop by lah rumah che hani dekat balok je ok syifaak.
ajak si kacak dan si gorgeous awak!
hani kat mana tu?
ala... comelnyeeeeeee.....
sue: read the p/s. ho ho ho
wah... ade rupe sebijik cam boo!
uii samelaa ngan si kacak...kuikuikui...tinggal tade spek je...
lilo: nasib baik bapak dia tak macam sully.
aliza: like father like daughter lah.
comelnye syifaak..tak penah jumpe real life..bile laa dpt jumpe..lehlaa aunty n cubit2 pipi yg comel tu..
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