Saturday, December 27, 2008


I was tagged by Dueng but was too lazy busy to do it. However, since Dueng said I'm "young and hunky and still the generation Y" (eee... ghey sungguh!) in his comment box, I feel obliged to complete this taggie thingie (eee... geli)

1. They spend around RM300-RM500 a month on entertainment and leisure

Lemme just do a quick calculation.

...Installment for this laptop = RM 251.00
...Installment for 30 years 'time-sharing' holiday package = RM 200.00
...Astro bill = RM 55.00 (Perak) + RM 17.00 (Kerteh) + RM 45.00 (Balok) = RM 117.00

So, I don't actually fulfill criteria no 1. I spend more than RM 500 a month for entertainment and leisure.

2. Their love for shopping has earned them the label of "dream consumers"

I don't like shopping. Even for necessities. Period.

3. On a good day, they hang out at designer coffee outlets and indulge in good food, which easily comes to RM15 per meal

Define 'a good day'. The only time I'll be in a designer coffee outlet is when I need free internet connection while on a business trip. Luckily, KLIA has free wi-fi and I only need to sit on a bench close to a power plug.

There's one seat in McD KLIA close to a power plug. You can eat a happy meal while surfing.

4. Many own the newest handphones, equipped with the latest technology. Doesn't matter if they are not technologically savvy enough to utilize all the functions; what is important is that they own something at par with what their peers have.

Is Zoho V80+ considered the newest handphone? It's a Chinese imitation of the i-phone. Google it up.

5. Two-thirds know the price of an iPod, but three-quarters have no idea what a carton of milk costs.

I don't know the price of an iPod. Milk? What brand? Which flavor? UHT or pasteurize? In which shop? I can give a good estimate.

6. They have hundreds of illegally downloaded songs

I do it legally. I didn't break into anyone's PC or anything. Hehe.

I have about 600 songs, most of them nasyid. I only listen to at most 20 songs at a time on my mp3 player.

7. One in 20 spends more than RM200 a month on mobile phone bills

I used prepaid. Average RM60 worth of top-up per month.

8. A number of them have more than one phone

Yes. I have three. Mobile phone, house phone and office phone.

9. Many do not read the newspapers, or watch the TV news

I read serious news online.

When I have nothing to do in the office, I go and read the comic strips in NST and Utusan Malaysia or some funny articles in Harian Metro. These newspapers are provided daily by the Company.

My Zoho V80+ have TV function. What do you think I use that function for?

10. They are heavily dependent on 'helicopter parents' who hover protectively over their offspring

Does mother-in-law counts?

I was raised by my grandparents eversince I was two and was away from my parents throughout primary school. I was in boarding schools throughout most of my secondary education years.

Honestly, I sometimes feel detached from my parents and the rest of my family and have grown independent a long time ago.

Tag some other people?

  • Effi? Dia dah tua sangat dah untuk menjadi Gen Y. Haha.
  • Alom? Dia mungkin agak kurang senang sekarang, kerana dia dalam pantang.
  • Wong Aiman? Dia pon sibuk gak travel sana-sini.
  • Nisa? Haa... Nisa jugak la jadi mangsa nampaknya. Dan aku baru perasan hari ni dia ada tag aku dua minggu lepas. Malas buat. Haha.


p/s: Game dalam Facebook sungguh addictive. Cucuk-cucuk.

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