Sunday, December 14, 2008

Asy-Syifaak - 1

Syifaak turns one today...

A man could only understand true love when he becomes a father.


Update failure:

I was planning to put up a video compilation of Syifaak since day one until now which I was working on when suddenly a KL boss asked my section to prepare a last minute montage for a certification ceremony, which I had to jump in and do because no one else think it was possible to do it within three days with the lack of visual material and a storyline but is having certain issue with the software - Microsoft Movie Maker (yes, the one that comes with Vista or XP OS installation). So, if the video ever get done, it will go into a new post.

I was planning to post a picture of Syifaak as a replacement but the internet connection in Hotel Mayat causes the blogger's add image tool to not work properly.



This is the picture I was trying to upload...


Bergaya tangkap gambar sendiri.

p/s: Syifaak said thanks for the birthday wishes.


Obefiend Weiland said...

nais nais

selamat hari jadi syifaak!

Mommy Lyna said...

setahun dah?

mana adik?

~lalala~ said...

hepi besday syifaak! smoge jd jelita selame2nye~~ haha

IkraamSuarez said...

my baby turns a week today...hehe

Sayuti said...

eff & intan-chan: syifaak tanya, mana hadiah?


alom: fahry ada. adik angkat. hehe.

sendoh?: eh, bila ko kawen?

en_me said...

camat hepi besday wat adek syifaak ittewww.. salammmz