Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Seperti biasa, lampu ofis sudah tertutup secara automatik pada waktu aku menaip ni, kecuali yang depan pintu. Nasib baik cubicle aku depan pintu. Ada jugak sumber cahaya.

Hujan di luar. Akibatnya, aku masih di ofis.


Suddenly, I have this urge to write my blog in English. Not that I would sound stupid if I write in Malay or anything like that. Well, I sound stupid in any language. It comes naturally - with the person, not the language. Whatever.

I guess I've been watching too much House. Not House as in the building you call home, but the TV Series about the sarcastic but brilliant Doctor Gregory House. It makes me want to become just as sarcastic, minus the medical jargons.

Anyway, this sudden urge to use English is probably caused by my newest assignment - to organize an in-house English course for all the young executives, and the 'less-young' non-execs. This assignment comes together with another assignment to organize a Stress Management class. What better timing, when the annual business plan and budget cycle kicks off just a couple of weeks before Hari Raya. I have to handle that too.

Thats when the term ' job delegation' comes into play. Yada yada yada, and my actual work has been cut down to half. Thats the beauty of it.

The ugly side is, you will start worrying whether your subordinates are actually doing what you want them to do, or might have misinterpreted your instructions. Unless you have competent, experienced subordinate, like mine.

Well, my senior clerk has been working with the Company even before I was born. I should stop worrying, except for the fact that she is currently four months pregnant. And at her age, her focus and efficiency is not as high as ... err, I beg to keep my metaphor (or simile or whatever they call it).

Anyway, its almost 6.50pm and I need to go down and look for a place to sit for buka puasa.

*Tuing Tuing*

Kembali berbahasa Melayu.

Sebenarnya, sindrom ingin berbahasa Inggeris ini juga mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor "tak-bangun-walaupon-sudah-menggaul-ayam-dalam-rempah-dan-tepung-untuk-digoreng-pada-waktu-sahur" yang mengakibatkan perasaan lebih lapar dan dahaga di siang hari, hari ni.

Itulah puasa aku. Sekadar lapar dan dahaga.


p/s: Jangan lupa bayar zakat fitrah ye, kawan2!


Anonymous said...

byk reason lain yg menyebabkan puasa tu sekadar lapar & dahaga. tak bersahur bukan salah satu daripadanya..

Jannah said...

Did my perusal and quick grammar check.

Yup, the typical syndrom "I-know-my-english-is-okay-but-I-don't-flaunt -it-around"

All the best in the job.

Selamat puasa and Raya

Bunga Rampai said...

Lama tak jengok Dik Sayuti ni. Moga semua berjalan baik. Selamat berpuasa yang dah sampai ke penghujungnya.

Dah beli baju raya?

edyan7 said...

selamat hari raya...! 0-0 yek! :D

Anonymous said...

hmm, klas stress management, mcm bakal diperlukan...

Sayuti said...

kmie: tidak bersahur menjadikan kita lebih lapar dan dahaga.

jannah: are you sure its a syndrome? it could just be a symptom... (sambil membuat gaya dr house)

thanks, and selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin to you too.

akak bunga rampai: salam. alhamdulillah, semuanya ok. selamat menghabiskan puasa dan berhari raya untuk akak juga. maaf zahir batin.

baju raya dah beli (^o^)V. akak?

pn edyan: slamat hari raya! :D

azhar: kau perlukan? kenapa? huhu...

Anonymous said...

if i were allowed to 'add hand' to your job, i would then suggest u to 'add and mix' the concept of english drama series and 'change-fit' to ur english class..

BTW, how's my english, Dr House? Is 'she' hopelessly dying? or 'life-life fish'?

'Safe open fast'


harni said...

in-house english course? recently during meeting SRS did mention something bout it. not the course, but the need to improve our english in the dept. i dunno to whom he's referring to but im sure it'll be beneficial to us. imho, we should converse in english to enhance our skill, like what we did at freescale. not just by attending courses.

parid mengeluh di pagi hari sebab tak bangun sahur... kecewa dia..hehehe

selamat hari raya..maaf zahir + batin

Sayuti said...

wong: your english 'can hold'. so, you don't have to go la kot.

harni: what? u don't converse in english at your workplace? no wonder...


slamat hari raya, maaf batin je. zahir... kita takde body contact kan?

koh koh koh.

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