Wednesday, February 25, 2009


IRA? EA? TUA?Contract of Service? Contract for Service? Grievance? Collective Agreement? Trade Dispute? OD? PP? PD? ER? HRIS? HRPB? HRDF? Recruitment? Probation? Training? Development? Progression? Promotion? Mobility? Retirement? Separation? Termination? Remuneration? Salary? Wage? Allowance? Bonus? Incentive? Subsistence? Quantum? Benefit? Competency? Leadership? Behaviour? Performance? Reward? Consequence? Scholar Management???

Susah rupanya nak jadi HR ni ye...


artisticklytouch said...

thats why aku benti dari jadi HR!!! baca entry ko ni pun aku buleh rasa phobia...

itupun ada mulut2 lancang buleh kata HR takde keje...

Anonymous said...

huhuuu...aku merupakan salah seorg yg slalu jugak la kata HR xdak keja...

Sayuti said...

tu antara topik-topik untuk assessment aku esok.

jenuh nak study nih...

cleo weiland said...

Remember my friend yang ingat nak apply intern kt PMU Kerteh hari tu? Her father is now in charge of HR. Oh yeah. She is the prodigal daughter of En. Abdul Rahman.

Small world kan?

On a side note, the GTS rep who came to UTP kept on hinting that we are the first in the 'new horizon'. Times are tough and I think we all know what that means. At the end of the day, it's all about business!

PS: Hope your assessment went well. Good luck!


HR tader kerja<--A perception given by some people who just want to jump.

Staff realize most of the big-gun-wannabe will be given HR tasks. Here we can predict the complexity they went through in order to build them as a great leader.

Anonymous said...

nie bro sayuti azmi, abdul halim,jitra 1999 ke???
rasanya macam senior aku je..