Friday, March 13, 2009

Sayut & Erynn2 - 5

Seven years. And counting...

Back then;

Time flies.

We're finally living together after three long years of LDR. Well, they say seven is a lucky number.

Perhaps we're going to be luckier this year?


Syifaak: Papa, Mami. Nak nenen...
Papa: Nak nenen gi dekat Mami.
Syifaak: Papa pon ade nenen gak. Tapi, Syifaak tanak nenen Papa. Syifaak nak adik je.
Mami: Hehehe (adoi)

Syifaak: Oh ye, Uncle Kmie. Tahun ni takde background music sempena Uncle Kmie nak kawen lusa. Papa, Mami ngan Syifaak maybe tak dapat datang la... Sori ye Uncle.


cleo weiland said...

I remember meeting Kak Erynn when she was in final year. I was a fresh-faced foundation student, clueless but optimistic..and definitely unaware of what life in the real world is all about. Kak Erynn told me that she was looking forward to graduating and starting a family. I thought she was crazy for 'letting go' of her future.

And 4 years later and I now realise she's very lucky she can make that choice. I wish I could too. And I sure do wish Effi and I can be half as happy as you both are :)

PS: Nenen tu ape?

Sayuti said...

nenen tu aper?



sorry. siyes tatau nenen tu aper?

rina said...

biar ibu menyusu ni bagi tau.. nenen tu boobies :P

Syifaak still on BMilk ke sayut?

Sayuti said...

actually, kalau syifaak sebut nenen, its either nak mommy dia, or nak susu (either bottled or fresh from the boobies).

dah campur formula milk sejak antar nursery. tapi malam-malam memang bf.

Obefiend Weiland said...


maafkan bini saya. dia melayu kokak

ganyang PPMSI