Friday, September 21, 2007


This afternoon, the DNA test result showed a match between the DNA of both of Nurin's parents and that of the body. That is the most awful news a parent could have after they themselves had to take a look at a body for identification and later denied the body was of their daughter.

So, the question remains... who would be deranged enough to do such thing to an innocent child? How perverted is the predator to insert a brinjal and a cucumber into the child's private part? How the shocking incident goes? Is it really a perverted psychopath who sadistically murdered the innocent child?

As I read through some articles related to the case, I found myself deducting the profile of the killer. I thought of a few theories and I wish to share them here with hope that if they have some plausibility.

I'm not an expert in this and there's already a lot of expert's opinion which came out in the news but let just say this could be the only effort I could offer, besides the prayers.
I want the killer captured and executed in the same - if not worse - manner as what was done to the child.

I believe majority of the people would think that the killer is definitely a male as the victim was a girl and the overall nature and details of the crime. However, a few questions come into my mind which lead me to think that the killer could also be a female and there is more to it than just a sadistic murder.

I would refer to the killer as an 'it' rather than a 'he' or a 'she'. No matter what's the killer's sex is, it is not human.

Why did the killer used a cucumber and a brinjal? It is as if the killer does not have a penis or probably if the killer has a penis, it has erectile dysfunction.
Plus, there was no trace of seminal fluid on or inside the girl's body.

Why did the killer left the vegetables inside the girl's private part whereby all other evidents were wiped clean? Is the killer trying to show the world that it was the 'Kampung Baru Molester' who sexually assaulted two child before this? Or, is it possible that this was an imitation in attempt to mislead the police?

The DNA result showed positive indication that the body could be Nurin's. Nurin was reported last seen being dragged by a man into a van about a month ago. Isn't the modus operandi of the Kampung Baru Molester different? The molester goes around on a motorcycle.

I thought of a scenario of a kidnapping plot went bad. The child could have been kidnapped for ransom, but somehow the kidnapper(s) hesitated or did not expect the parents would go all out in searching for her. Therefore, the kidnapper(s) kept her in custody for the past month. The poor child condition worsen and she lost consciousness. The kidnapper(s) panicked thinking she might have already died. Knowing about the Kampung Baru Molester, the kidnapper(s) did the most gruesome and unthinkable thing to the lifeless body by shoving a brinjal and a cucumber up her private part. The kidnapper(s) put her in a bag and left her to die on the stairs of the shop lot.

The coroner said the poor child died only six hours before her body was found. Witness saw the woman in red with the bag a day earlier.

So, the poor child was dying inside the bag the whole time because of the ruptured rectum!

Irregardless of what was the initial intent, an innocent girl died horribly. That woman in red is the key in solving this crime.

Watching Jodie Foster in The Brave One could really encourage the vigilante spirit in people and hopefully the people get to the killer before the police does. Street justice would be more appropriate for this sort of murderers.

May Allah bless the soul of Nurin (or who ever she was).

p/s: I'm really disturbed by this crime. I couldn't sleep and now typing an entry about it (in English!) in the middle of the night. Hopefully, I could wakeup tomorrow.


Pegawai Khalwat said...


Anonymous said...

makhluk mcm sialan... dlm hati dia tu takde sel serupa mcm manusia ke?

Dils said...

Your theory has basis.

I am also no expert, however on most rape and sexual true crime stories I read that involved woman.. most of them.. are partners.

As a woman myself, I hate to think a woman could be responsible in sexually abusing a child, much more motive and frequently uses poison or end their victims life quickly. However they are exceptions, and those exceptions usually act out in group (I meant this as solely only women as the abuser)

My theory and a popular one at that.if it involved a woman, a man is the one behind it pulling the strings.

The man are using the woman as a tool to get the child and keep the child alive as long as possible for his own perverted desire and usually the womam whom is the accomplice, would be persuaded or if she live long enough with the guy to find herself pleasure in this type of act, will do this on her own will, all in all to please the man.

And they are many rape cases (Malaysia included which I can give example), that the type rape that they performed involved sodomization and penetration of blunt or sometimes sharp objects into the female .... , that are done by male .. just the reason to humilliate or pain the victim. So this does not necessarily means women are responsible.

Now I feel sick writing this.

No matter who she or he or it did this type of act... I hope they get a rare type of uncurable siflis that make their genitals come off.. Uh-hum..

I meant... I'm sure Tuhan dah sediakan a special place in Hell for them, and I hope they would also get punishment in this world before facing Allah.

Its just sad. Parents can never 100% protect their children. However for parents out there... I hope this would never happened to you and me in future..

And let's keep a lookout whenever we see a small child or girl out alone, to make sure they are safe. .

marisa said...

Bila baca tulisan encik sayut, saya rpun rasa teori encik sayut berasas.

Pada mulanya(sebelum membaca blog encik sayut) saya rasakan ini angkara phedophile@phedophilia...

Tapi bila merenung jauh dengan senario yang encik sayut ceritakan, saya rasa ada benarnya. It must be a kidnap for ransom going bad.

It's inhuman..very inhuman. Semoga bila anak encik sayut lahir ke dunia nanti, encik sayut dan puan erin dijauhkan dari hal ini. Saya doakan keselamatan anak encik sayut dan anak rakan-rakan yang lain.

Anonymous said...

lelaki/wanita tersebut mempunyai satu penyakit mental yg dinamakan aku-suka-tengok-budak2-terseksa-akibat-sexual-abused.

kalo pelaku ialah sorang lelaki, puncanya ialah beliau mati pucuk atau mengalami premature ejacution atau masalah2 lain yg menyebabkan beliau tidak dpt menikmati s*x dgn wanita dewasa kerana akan menjadi bahan gelak saja. maka, beliau melakuknnya kepada kanak2 yg tidak tahu apa2 & disebabkan organnya malfunction, maka terpaksa menggunakan bantuan sayur2an lebih jimat berbanding membeli peralatan palsu.

kalo pelakunya adalah seorang perempuan, puncanya ialah beliau mengalami tekanan jiwa akibat tidak mendapat kepuasan dari suami yg mati pucuk/premature ejaculation/tidak berkemampuan. lalu utk melepaskan geram, beliau cuba menggunakan sayur2an sebagai alat bantuan. namun kerana risau organ2 dalamannya rosak, maka beliau melakukan kepada kanak2, kerana orang dewasa lain adalah amat sukar utk ditangkap & disumbat dgn sayur2an.

jika pelakunya adalah lelaki & wanita, maka merekalah suami isteri yg tertekan tadi.

sungguh kasihan. bole jadi juga mereka adalah penjual sayur yg tertekan kerana sayur tidak laku dijual lalu menjadikan mereka bertindak gila.

dgn kata yg lebih ringkas, bila Tuhan tiada dalam hati, macam2 boleh jadi.

semoga Allah melindungi anak2 kita & anak2 Malaysia lain dari kejadian2 angkara manusia yg tidak mampu tapi bernafsu tinggi ini. amiin.

Sayuti said...

tuan pegawai: geram saje?

che nad: ada. cuma manusia kan boleh jadi lagi teruk dari haiwan, atau lebih mulia dari malaikat. yang pembunuh tu nak jadi haiwan la tu...

dila: yes. he or she or it will pay the price, eventually. there is no greater justice than the one from the Almighty.

auni: amin. sama2lah kita doa2kan untuk semua kanak2 di dunia ini.

kematian nurin ada hikmahnya - sebagai peringatan kepada semua. juga sebagai ingatan kepada ibu bapa.

alom: benar. bila Tuhan tiada dalam hati, demikianlah jadinya.

Anonymous said...

but the idea of charging the parents is really tak patot.

parents yg shopping xhengat dunia sampai anak pegi mana pon xsedar lagi patot kene charge!

parents yg xtau anak pegi mana2 sampai last2 mati lemas lagi patot kene charge!


Anonymous said...

I read your comments with interest and do think that it may have some credence but for the fact that you may have overlooked one minor detail. If this was a case of a KFR gone wrong, the motive being financial... the background of the victim's family suggests that they are not wealthy people. Usually in any KFR cases,Ransom being the operative word,the perpetrators would have done their homework in victim selection. So the thoery that it may have being a KFR gone wrong stands on shaky grounds.
I do believe that the 'scorpion' unit of the Royal Malaysian Police would have covered all possible motives and will inevitably apprehend the rihgt person(s)

Sayuti said...

alom: selamat menjadi parent yang tak macam tu ye.

anonymous: kfr doesn't necessary involve wealthy parents, or carefully chosen victim. there are cases where kidnappers act randomly - often when there's opportunity.

but with recent development of the case, i'm doubting its a KFR case.

since the woman in red has already being ruled out as a possible suspect, focus now is on the man on the motorcycle.

from the cctv, the man made a phone call using his mobile.

who is he calling?

can the police trace all calls made from that area during that time through telco? if they can, then, the caller's identity can be traced, can't it?

i hope the police find the killer soon before another poor kid becomes it's victim.