One day, in a college, a lecturer named Mr Sayuti suddenly gave his students a pop quiz.
The students were obviously not prepared, but Mr Sayuti said, "You may want to cheat in this quiz if you want. I will not stop you."
"How come you're allowing us to cheat? I thought we're not supposed to do that!" a student asked.
"Well, it is really up to you. I just want to demonstrate that cheating is a skill that you may want to use in your life later on, to ensure you achieve something, or just for your survival..." Mr Sayuti explained.
"It can also reflect on how resourceful you are in getting something done," he added before looking at his watch and announced, "You may begin answering now. Quiz ends in ten minutes."
The students began answering. Majority of them cheated by copying others, looking at their notes, discussing and talking to each others, but Mr Sayuti seems to ignore his students' act.
"Ok, times up!" he announce before collecting the answer sheets. The students seems happy that they managed to answer most of the questions.
During the next class, he returned the marked quiz papers to the students. Majority of them failed the quiz, even though they gave the right answers. Only a few who didn't cheat passed the quiz.
Before the class asked, Mr Sayuti said, "Today, I'm teaching you the value of integrity, and the importance of being honest and upright..."
The end.
In case you're wondering, I thought of the story while ironing my uniform yesterday. It has something to do with what happened at work a couple of days earlier, which I really regretted.
No, I'm not the one who cheated.
Although, I have to admit that I did cheat in some quizzes and tests back in UTP (Well, who doesn't? Probably just Farizwan aka Chek Mek. Huhu) and that is probably one reason why Allah didn't make me an engineer.
Now I see why.
p/s: Selamat meninggalkan Ramadhan. Selamat menyambut Aidil Fitri. Jangan lupa bayar zakat fitrah. Pandu cermat. Semoga puasa tahun ini telah melatih kita untuk bersabar di jalan raya. Amin.