Tuesday, November 20, 2007


NOTE: Nothing interesting to read in this entry. Seriously... just rambling of an overwork HR exec.

Works have been coming in all of a sudden, piling on my plate for the past couple of weeks.

When I thought I'm going to concentrate on preparing the Learning Plan and Budget for next year, the Management concluded the negotiation on the new Collective Agreement with the Union.

The Management asked us to communicate the new revisions to the Union Members before 26th, while the information on the revisions and the communication pack was only given to us on the 14th. Three locations to cover - KL, Miri and Kerteh within 12 days. The budget submission deadline is just end of this week and budget presentation date is on the 29th.

Then, the VP requested a comparison study from Datin who eventually asked me to do it because she need to attend the Management Forum, then fly to KK for recruitment. VP wants it presented on the 22nd. Datin wanted to see the draft when she's back, which was today. I managed to draft it over the weekend, and put everything in the Powerpoint yesterday.

Eventually, the result for the survey on People's Commitment conducted in September had to come out last week as well. HR were asked to communicate the results to the Head of Departments, then to all staffs on the findings of the survey. The consultant has analyzed the results, summarized them into graphics and we had to interpret them, which was not much of a problem although each of the communication team member has different opinions in interpreting.

What was more challenging were the four open-ended i.e. subjective questions, which two of them were specifically directed to get the staff's feedback on HR.

342 respondent, 4 open-ended questions. You do the math.

Of course, the math would be easier if they had put words limit into the survey. Going through the 86 pages of written comments - which some of them are not-so-nice words coming out from angry people who are mostly not aware of things around them - and sort them out into categories require enough supply of panadol and minyak angin cap kapak.

And all this while I thought L'aplace Transform was difficult...

In this already hectic condition, three reports came in on alleged misconduct by the staffs that required urgent investigation. Two AWOL, one leaks confidential information.

The expatriates also choose this time to put up a collective request on something that was supposed to be done by somebody else in August, but was put aside by that somebody until it is already too late and now becoming a big issue to them. I was not in the picture until one of the expatriate come to me asking about it.

Coincidently, three months ago I was planning the office migration of my department and the Strategic Planning department to another level of the Tower which should take place by end of this months.

All in all, I have enough excuse to ignore this blog for sometimes besides the fact that D-Day (in my case SK-Day) is due in about three weeks time.

The transfer?

Let's not talk about it.

p/s: I don't think I really need a post-script this time...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Pada tanggal hari ini, dua tahun sudah, seorang jejaka kacak telah menamatkan zaman bujang beliau dengan menikahi seorang gadis montel dan comel di sebuah rumah banglo yang terletak sekitar Semerah, dekat Batu Pahat.

Jejaka kacak berkenaan melafazkan akad nikah dengan jayanya pada cubaan ketiga, setelah dua cubaan awal beliau disabotaj oleh saksi2 serta tok imam berkenaan.

Jejaka kacak berkenaan juga telah berjaya menghiburkan para hadirin apabila secara spontan mengeluarkan wang berjumlah RM22.50 secara terus dari dalam dompet beliau untuk membayar mas kahwin ketika diminta berbuat demikian oleh tok imam.

Sebagai mengingati hari tersebut, mari kita ucapkan selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan kepada jejaka kacak berkenaan dan pasangan beliau yang montel dan comel serta sedang sarat mengandung lapan bulan. Ucapan dalam bahasa orang putih adalah:

"Happy second anniversary Erynn and Sayut!"

Mari juga kita doakan agar rutin 'pasangan hujung minggu' yang mereka tempuhi sejak dua tahun lepas berakhir dengan segera, setidak-tidaknya sebelum kelahiran anak mereka yang pertama tersebut. Moga-moga, cepatlah jejaka kacak berkenaan menerima surat transfer yang sekian lama ditunggu2.


Oh ya, doakan juga agar batuk yang dialami jejaka kacak berkenaan sejak minggu lepas sembuh dengan segera.


p/s: Tahniah dan terima kasih kepada AJK Sensasi Aidilfitri 2007 - Nik Azrul, Farid, Hasfuan, Marissa, Teh, Nurita, Mukmin, Irman, Dewi, Wong, Azalia, Fakri, Pedot, Arfah, Zizi, Liyana, Yanty, Farah, Ijan, Lan, Mokh, Jihah dan lain2 yang aku terlupa masukkan kat sini - atas kejayaan majlis sebentar tadi. Nanti kalau ada majlis atau program lain, aku rekrut korang lagi ye...